As much as separated parents might want to keep the child as
their number one priority, they are suffering and adjusting after a relationship breakdown. They’ll be angry or frustrated, sad or numb but yes, they still need to be trying to reduce the impact on their kids.
Even if it’s just you trying to be that decent person whilst the other acts childish or selfish or in a thousand ways that makes you glad you aren’t together, you can act in favour of helping your child and find ways to communicate with your ex even when things are the most difficult. 
- Avoid communication that allows for arguing, manipulation, talking about the past or blaming. Yes that may sound like every conversation they want to have with you but don’t play that game. If that’s speaking or phoning, don’t talk or phone
- If shared parenting, emailing after spending time with the child whether it’s after a weekend or a week is a standard reasonable way many separated parents use. Keep that business language central and talk about how they went at daycare or school, issues there, new things they did or discovered and if you can, some positive things that happened that week
- If you or your ex talks to the kids regularly on the phone when with the other has them, try to agree on good and reasonable times, and keep your phone interaction minimal
- Communication books sound a bit intense but they have been known to work so very well, especially for the forgetful emailers.
Read More: Communication Books Apps and cretive ways to communicate with your Child’s Other parent