Not everyone displays the same characteristics of resilience, however there are a number of predictors of resilience which can be encouraged and taught.
People with good resilience adapt to difficult situations and stress by using a variety of resources and protective factors that are either external-in the environment around the person, or internal -personal attributes or beliefs. Parents can help their child develop resilience by promoting a mixture of both external and internal factors.
External factors that have positive influences on a child’s resilience include:
- Establishing and maintaining connections with other people, e.g. family, friends, community group, school.
- Having caring, competent adults in their life
- Experiencing success in areas of interest including sport, music, arts
- Helping others
- Having predictable but flexible routines
- Being involved in cultural beliefs and practices
- Participating in school events
Internal factors that have positive influence on a child’s resilience include:
- Problem solving skills
- Emotional and behavioural regulation
- A positive sense of self-worth
- Believing that life has meaning and hope
- Feeling valued for an ability or skill
- Being aware of, and able to implement self care
- Experiencing success with setting reasonable goals and moving toward them
- Learning from experience
- Accepting that change is inevitable and can be positive