Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, or a working parent, there comes a point at which you would like to spend some quality time with your little one and have run out of ideas with regards to what to do with them. It is often difficult for parents to get down to the toddler’s level and follow their lead in terms of play. So here are a few ideas for how to play with your toddler the next time you have some quality time together.
Do some jobs together. Toddlers love to mimic those around them. They learn from watching others and doing what they are doing – most especially they love being like their parents. Give your little one a broom, or a mini-tool and get busy together. Spend some time sweeping the patio, or “fixing” the wooden blocks together. You will be surprised at how involved they become in these activities.
Get moving. As you would have noticed, toddlers don’t stop moving. They love running, swinging, sliding, rolling, jumping and anything in between. Put together an obstacle course with pillows, sturdy coffee tables, chairs and toys to climb over and under together. Show your little one how to do it and try get as involved as you can. Another way of encouraging movement is to sing action songs together – Hokey Pokey, Ring Around The Rosies, London Bridge, If you’re happy and you know it… etc.
Go outside. Exploration is one of their most favourite past times so take your little one on an exploration in the garden or the park. Make a list of all the items you need to find and collect – a stone, a green leaf, an orange leaf, a yellow flower, an ant – the list is endless. While you are at it, and if you have some energy left, play a game of catch with a ball, or try blowing some bubbles and getting your toddler to catch them. You can add a variation on this by getting them to stamp on a bubble, clap on a bubble and even try to kiss a bubble.
Want more ideas on how to play with your toddler?
Get creative. Get out the arts and crafts, play doh, or pencils and paper. Collect toilet rolls, old cereal boxes and ice cream sticks. Gather up some paint and glue and create something together. Or you can cook or sew something together. Make it a joint effort and ask your toddler for guidance. You will find they love telling you what to do and seeing how you manage.
Pretend!! Children’s imaginations are amazing. Have some fun pretending to be different animals – making sounds and movements of the animal. You can also talk about where the animal lives, what it eats, what colours and sizes animals may be, etc. Other pretend play ideas include princesses, pirates, being on a boat or in a plane, police, explorers, going into space or deep under the ocean, or even everyday things like shopping, play cafe, schools, doctors or going to the carwash. Use dress-ups and props if you want, or just imagine those too!
Learning. Toddlers are learning new things every day and their curiosity is boundless. You can start to teach colours, shapes, sizes, numbers and letters with sorting games. Add alittle excitement with searching games such as hide n seek, or hiding an object and getting your toddler to find it. Guessing games can also be a fun way to help your child explore their sensory world – using a blindfold (most kids have trouble keeping their eyes closed) ask them to smell a variety of objects, or feel them in a bag, or set up a few objects that make sounds and help your toddler guess what is making the sound and find where the object is.
Want more ideas on how to play with your toddler?
Get creative. Get out the arts and crafts, play doh, or pencils and paper. Collect toilet rolls, old cereal boxes and ice cream sticks. Gather up some paint and glue and create something together. Or you can cook or sew something together. Make it a joint effort and ask your toddler for guidance. You will find they love telling you what to do and seeing how you manage.
Pretend!! Children’s imaginations are amazing. Have some fun pretending to be different animals – making sounds and movements of the animal. You can also talk about where the animal lives, what it eats, what colours and sizes animals may be, etc. Other pretend play ideas include princesses, pirates, being on a boat or in a plane, police, explorers, going into space or deep under the ocean, or even everyday things like shopping, play cafe, schools, doctors or going to the carwash. Use dress-ups and props if you want, or just imagine those too!
Learning. Toddlers are learning new things every day and their curiosity is boundless. You can start to teach colours, shapes, sizes, numbers and letters with sorting games. Add alittle excitement with searching games such as hide n seek, or hiding an object and getting your toddler to find it. Guessing games can also be a fun way to help your child explore their sensory world – using a blindfold (most kids have trouble keeping their eyes closed) ask them to smell a variety of objects, or feel them in a bag, or set up a few objects that make sounds and help your toddler guess what is making the sound and find where the object is.
When all else fails, simply follow your little one around and see what she asks you to do. When they notice that you are all theirs, they will be quick to take the lead and show you how to play.